The Basics:
I’m the Director of Poverty Measurement at Innovations for Poverty Action, which includes the PPI Initiative. The Poverty Measurement team develops and supports rigorous, cost-effective ways for researchers, businesses, and non-profits understand the economic lives of their clients.
Before that, I was Senior Research & Evaluation Manager at, focusing on how or when access to subsidized credit can help to alleviate poverty. Before that I finished the PhD in Agriculture & Resource Economics at UC Berkeley. My research has focused on various approaches to measuring individual and community welfare, and how that informs survey design and impact evaluation.
Working Papers:
Do Asset Transfers Reduce Vulnerability? Experimental Evidence in a Frisch Demand System
(Job Market Paper)Modeling the Welfare Effect of Asset Transfers: An Experiment in South Sudan
(with Ethan Ligon)Randomized Comparisons of Cash & Asset Transfers in South Sudan
(with Reajul Chowdhury, Munshi Sulaiman, & Ethan Ligon)
Contact Me:
email: OR
Twitter: @elliottmcollins